
01 Mar 2017

Transition Support Mechanisms for Communities Facing Full or Partial Coal Power Plant Retirement in New York

States: New York,
Resource Type: Report

Adoption Year: 2017
Abstract: The Transition Support Mechanisms report, prepared by Pace Energy and Climate Center with the support of Environmental Defense Fund, documents best practices for supporting the economic and environmental health of communities in New York facing the closure of a coal-fired power plant. The report examines several decades of just transition case studies from across the United States, and describes the challenges faced by New York communities bracing for the mothballing or retirement of coal generators. Every community is unique, so while there can be no one-size-fits-all approach, the report recommends a number of resources that these communities can use to develop a just transition plan after a plant’s closure.
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01 Sep 2016

UNEP Guide For Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Laws

Resource Type: Policy Brief

Adoption Year: 2016
Abstract: The UN Guide to Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Laws is written to assist the many countries, communities, and companies responding with proposed sustainable energy initiatives to meet their commitments under the Paris Climate Change Agreement and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Published by the United Nations Environment Program, it is written in response to needs expressed by energy efficiency and renewable energy project initiators, government officials, energy managers, developers, funders, and particularly developing country energy legal draftsmen, asking for assistance in drafting needed legislation. The Guide uniquely describes the laws applicable to every kind of efficiency and renewable energy measure, and those to pre...
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22 Aug 2016

Comments of Environmental Advocates, Natural Resources Defense Council, Pace Energy and Climate Center, and Riverkeeper on August 1, 2016 “Proposed Comprehensive Queue Reform Initiative

Topics: Climate,

States: New York,
Resource Type: Comments

Adoption Year: 2016
Abstract: none
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01 Apr 2016

Clean Power Plan Amicus Brief

States: National,
Resource Type: Policy Brief

Adoption Year: 2016
Abstract: Amicus brief filed in the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by sixteen former high-level state environmental and energy officials in support of the Clean Power Plan.
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01 Apr 2016

2015 Annual Report

Author: PECC Staff

States: National,
Resource Type: Report

Adoption Year: 2015
Abstract: The Pace Energy and Climate Center had an amazing year in 2015. Our staff members and law student interns engaged in some of the most important clean energy policy and development issues in New York and in the Northeast region, as well as in selected venues across the United States and around the world. We have made important progress in empowering continued advancement toward a cleaner energy present and a more sustainable future for all of us. We are really proud of what we have done, and hope you will find our report interesting and informative. We are especially grateful for all the support from Pace University and the Pace Law School, and from our many donors and clients. We couldn’t do any of this without them! You will find our rep...
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01 Jan 2016

Retail Rate Impacts of Distributed Solar: Focus on New England

Resource Type: Report

Adoption Year: 2016
Abstract: The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) recently issued a study entitled “Putting the Potential Rate Impacts of Distributed Solar into Context,” authored by Galen Barbose. The LBNL study estimates the potential rate impact of distributed solar on national average retail electricity prices, and importantly, compares that impact to the potential impact of other rate drivers such as natural gas prices, renewable portfolio standards, and utility capital expenditures. This brief applies a similar style analysis as used by LBNL to regional and state level data to estimate more granular impacts for New England. We estimate rate impacts for various penetration rates of net metered distributed solar and compare them to the potential rat...
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31 Dec 2015

2015 Annual Report

Author: PECC Staff

Topics: Climate,

States: New York,
Resource Type: Report

Adoption Year: 2015
Abstract: The Pace Energy and Climate Center had an amazing year in 2015. Our staff members and law student interns engaged in some of the most important clean energy policy and development issues in New York and in the Northeast region, as well as in selected venues across the United States and around the world. We have made important progress in empowering continued advancement toward a cleaner energy present and a more sustainable future for all of us. We are really proud of what we have done, and hope you will find our report interesting and informative. We are especially grateful for all the support from Pace University and the Pace Law School, and from our many donors and clients. We couldn’t do any of this without them! You will find our rep...
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01 Nov 2015

The Clean Power Plan Puzzle: The Future of Efforts to Control Pollution in the Northeast

States: New York,
Resource Type: Policy Brief

Adoption Year: 2015
Abstract: In October 2015 the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized the first national plan to cut climate pollution from power plants. Called the Clean Power Plan (CPP), the effort requires a 32% nation-wide reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the power sector. The CPP also gives states multiple pathways to comply. Now states are on the clock: they must submit their individual compliance plans or signal their intent to submit multi-state plans by September 2016. The nine states participating in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), the first market-based trading platform established to cut climate pollution from power plants in the Northeast, must now decide the future of the effort. This paper explores a few of...
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01 Jan 2015

Declaration of Karl R. Rabago in Support of the CPP

States: National,
Resource Type: Misc

Adoption Year: 2015
Abstract: Declaration of Karl Rábago in State of West Virginia, et al. v. United States Environmental Protection Agency, et al. in support of the Clean Power Plan.
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30 May 2014

Comments on the Draft State Energy Plan

Author: David Gahl

States: New York,
Resource Type: Comments

Adoption Year: 2014
Abstract: We offer the following five recommendations. To improve the Final Plan, drafters should: 1) establish near-term, mid-term and long-term GHG reduction targets in straight tonnage terms, but also require GHG reporting in intensity terms; 2) establish aggressive statewide energy efficiency savings targets and renewable energy deployment targets as a way to meet the GHG reduction goals; 3) include more specific action items related to updating building codes, including setting training and outreach goals; 4) establish a statewide transportation emissions reduction goal, and eliminate barriers to electric vehicle deployment to help reduce GHG emissions; and 5) follow through on updating energy-related cost benefit analyses and begin development...
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15 Dec 2013

RGGI EPA Rules Collaborative

States: Northeast,
Resource Type: Report

Adoption Year: 2013
Abstract: The Pace Energy and Climate Center has convened a group of utilities, electric generators, environmental groups, a business coalition and state officials from the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic (NEMA) region to engage EPA on the development of federal guidelines under Section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act. The Collaborative also seeks to foster understanding of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) among state officials and stakeholders in states not currently participating in RGGI. This document presents RGGI-focused answers to the questions posed by EPA to states and stakeholders in late September 2013.
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01 Jan 2013

New York's Renewabel Portfolio Standard: Where to From Here?

States: New York,
Resource Type: Policy Brief

Adoption Year: 2013
Abstract: This report provides an analysis of New York's progress towards its Renewable Portfolio Standard, which aims to meet 30% of the state's electricity consumption with renewable generation by 2015. 'New York's Renewable Portfolio Standard: Where To From Here?' offers an assessment of the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead, as well as a series of recommendations as to how New York can more effectively achieve greater deployment of cost-effective renewable resources.
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01 Jan 2013

Community Energy Brief: Powering Through Storms

Author: PECC Staff

States: National,
Resource Type: Policy Brief

Adoption Year: 2013
Abstract: Combined heat and power delivers business continuity, risk reduction, and critical infrastructure resiliency benefits during grid outages caused by storms.
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01 Jan 2013

Can the US get There from Here?

Topics: Climate,

States: National,
Resource Type: Policy Brief

Adoption Year: 2013
Abstract: Climate change impacts in the United States are increasingly evident and come with steep economic and social costs. The frequency and intensity of extreme weather events has increased in recent years, bringing record-breaking heat, heavy precipitation, coastal flooding, severe droughts, and damaging wildfires. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), weather-related damages in the United States were $60 billion in 2011, and are expected to be significantly greater in 2012. The mounting costs convey an unmistakable urgency to address climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs). This report examines pathways for GHG reductions in the United States through actions taken at the federal and state le...
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07 Dec 2012

Pace Supports Increased Efficiency Budgets in the Wake of Hurricane Sandy

States: New York,
Resource Type: Comments

Adoption Year: 2012
Abstract: Comments filed to the New York PSC by Pace and supporters (NRDC, Sierra Club, Citizens Campaign for the Environment, Alliance for Clean Energy New York and Environmental Advocates of New York) following Hurricane Sandy, advocating for increased efficiency budgets in the wake of Sandy and future storms.
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07 Dec 2012

Pace and Supporters' Comments in Favor of Increased Efficiency Budgets in the Wake of Hurricane Sandy

Topics: Climate,

States: Northeast,
Resource Type: Comments

Adoption Year: 2012
Abstract: None
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01 Jun 2012

The Impact of Climate Change on the Rural Environments of the Northeast

Author: PECC Staff

Topics: Climate,

States: Northeast,
Resource Type: Fact Sheet

Adoption Year: 2012
Abstract: This fact sheet was created for the “Focus on Change” conference held June of 2012. It explores the consequences of extreme weather conditions on the rural environments of the Northeast. It exposes the vulnerabilities and stresses that will be placed on rural populations and ecosystems as a result of climate change.
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16 Apr 2012

Summary of Proposed Rule

Topics: Climate,

States: Northeast,
Resource Type: Policy Brief

Adoption Year: 2012
Abstract: Standards of Performance for Greenhouse Gas Emissions for New Stationary Sources: Electric Utility Generating Units
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01 Jan 2012

Impact of Climate Change on the Rural Environments of the Northeast

Author: PECC Staff

Topics: Climate,

States: Northeast,
Resource Type: Policy Brief

Adoption Year: 2012
Abstract: Explores the consequences of extreme weather conditions on the rural environments of the Northeast.
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01 Jun 2008

Toward a Constructive Dialogue on Federal and State Roles in US Climate Change Policy

Author: Franz Litz

Topics: Climate,

States: Federal,
Resource Type: Report

Adoption Year: 2008
Abstract: A number of arguments exist to support state-level action on climate change. States have historically played a role as effective first-movers on important environmental issues, functioning as policy innovators, testing policies that have later been adopted at the federal level. States also bring an understanding of the unique circumstances within their boundaries and a familiarity with their stakeholders. States drive federal action, sometimes insisting that policies be strengthened even after the federal government has acted.
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