
15 Jul 2020

Zero Net Gas: A Framework for Managing Gas Demand Reduction as a Pathway to Decarbonizing the Buildings Sector

States: National,
Resource Type: Report

Adoption Year: UNKNOWN
Abstract: To meet Paris Agreement greenhouse gas reduction targets, gas distribution utilities and the buildings they serve—residential, small commercial, and large commercial and industrial buildings—must fully decarbonize. This paper proposes a Zero Net Gas demand reduction framework to achieve decarbonization of the buildings sector. The Zero Net Gas Framework is a policy and regulatory pathway to start reversing gas dependence in buildings, towards deep decarbonization. The ZNG strategy posits that gas consumption must be capped in the near-term—and incrementally reduced where possible—by pairing new gas demand with reductions in existing inefficient gas use through demand-side measures, such as energy efficiency, heat pumps and renewabl...
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04 Mar 2019

Reversing Energy System Inequity

States: National,
Resource Type: Report

Adoption Year: 2019
Abstract: Families in America with the least means pay disproportionately more for their electricity, sometimes lacking basic access to service altogether. It’s a fundamental inequity of our current energy landscape, and one that can lead to dangerous repercussions. As technology, economics, public appetite and policy steadily drive the transition to clean energy, there are frequent decisions to be made at utilities commissions and other venues about how to implement, facilitate and accelerate the needed change. This paper highlights three foundational keys for getting decisions right for residential customers with the least means: 1) DATA: Collection and distribution of comprehensive residential customer data, broken out for low- and moderate-...
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19 Feb 2019

Pace Energy and Climate Center 2018 Annual Report

Author: PECC Staff

States: National,
Resource Type: Report

Adoption Year: 2019
Abstract: The Pace Energy and Climate Center had a great 2018! We filed hundreds of pages of comments, testimony, and recommendations in utility regulatory proceedings, and spoke up and made a difference for clean energy and energy justice in rate cases and grid modernization/utility transformation cases in several states. The year ahead promises to be as exciting and important as the one just completed. Thanks to the continued support and confidence of our government and foundation funders and expert assistance clients, we will be working to secure clean energy.
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28 Oct 2018

Revisiting Bonbright’s Principles of Public Utility Rates in a DER World

States: National,
Resource Type: New Article

Adoption Year: 2018
Abstract: This article originally appeared in The Electricity Journal, Volume 1, Issue 8, pp. 9-13 (October 2018), available at: Reprinted with permission from The Electricity Journal and Elsevier under a Creative Commons license: Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) License. Full license terms: Abstract: Professor James Bonbright’s Principles of Public Utility Rates, first published in 1961, was built around a model of vertically integrated electricity monopolies and approached ratemaking largely as an exercise in balancing the interests of capital attraction with those of...
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18 Oct 2018

Supplemental comments about PURPA

States: National,
Resource Type: Comments

Adoption Year: 2018
Abstract: Many states and utilities fail to comply with existing PURPA regulations. Is PURPA still relevant and necessary today? Calls to reform PURPA ignore the remaining barriers to market entry that qualifying facilities face and overstate the need for reform.
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19 Mar 2018

A Distributed Energy Amenable Grid

States: National,
Resource Type: Policy Brief

Adoption Year: 2018
Abstract: Puerto Rico has the opportunity to rebuild its grid in a manner that makes the island more resilient. We find that PREPA can take action now to lay a strong foundation for distributed energy resources (DER) to integrate with the transmission & distribution system by making the right kind of capital equipment investments as it is being rebuilt. The future grid should be designed to accommodate far greater penetration of DER and ought to have the functionality to utilize DER as dynamic assets, supporting the grid. If PREPA fails to take actions to accommodate DER and beneficially utilize their grid support capabilities, it could face grid defection, and forego opportunities to significantly improve grid performance, productivity, and syst...
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27 Nov 2017

Energy Commission Investigation Regarding the State of Puerto Rico's Electric System after Hurricane Maria

States: National,
Resource Type: Comments

Adoption Year: 2017
Abstract: The tragic weather events that destroyed so much of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico’s electricity infrastructure have sent a strong message about the brittle nature of central stationdominated electricity systems. The most important challenge facing the Commission is whether it will honor the grim lessons of recent hurricanes with actions to reduce the consequences of future severe weather events that are certain to follow.
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01 Oct 2017

Recent Developmetns in Energy Efficiency Evaluation, Measurements, and Verification

States: National,
Resource Type: Report

Adoption Year: 2017
Abstract: The Report identifies states that exhibit policy and institutional leadership, discuss three topics that have recently received significant attention in the industry: deemed savings and technical reference manuals, common practice baselines, and advanced metering-based M&V enabled by greater data availability and improved data analytics.
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01 Apr 2017

2016 Annual Report

Author: PECC Staff

States: National,
Resource Type: Report

Adoption Year: 2016
Abstract: 2016 Annual Report
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01 Apr 2016

Clean Power Plan Amicus Brief

States: National,
Resource Type: Policy Brief

Adoption Year: 2016
Abstract: Amicus brief filed in the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by sixteen former high-level state environmental and energy officials in support of the Clean Power Plan.
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01 Apr 2016

2015 Annual Report

Author: PECC Staff

States: National,
Resource Type: Report

Adoption Year: 2015
Abstract: The Pace Energy and Climate Center had an amazing year in 2015. Our staff members and law student interns engaged in some of the most important clean energy policy and development issues in New York and in the Northeast region, as well as in selected venues across the United States and around the world. We have made important progress in empowering continued advancement toward a cleaner energy present and a more sustainable future for all of us. We are really proud of what we have done, and hope you will find our report interesting and informative. We are especially grateful for all the support from Pace University and the Pace Law School, and from our many donors and clients. We couldn’t do any of this without them! You will find our rep...
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01 Jan 2016

Comments on Volkswagen

Author: PECC Staff

States: National,
Resource Type: Comments

Adoption Year: 2016
Abstract: VW ZEV investment program should include support of competitive markets, extended benefits to all communities, protected driver choice, preserve customer choice, encourage innovation, promote EV awareness & outreach, benefit all drivers, and provide process transparency.
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01 Jan 2016

The Net Metering Riddle

States: National,
Resource Type: New Article

Adoption Year: 2016
Abstract: Net metering opponents have done a masterful job in casting the debate around mistaken assumptions. As regulators conduct NEM 2.0 and Value of Solar proceedings, those errant assumptions should be exposed and the real questions addressed.
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01 Nov 2015

Carbon-Tuning New York's Electricity System

Topics: DER,

States: National,
Resource Type: Report

Adoption Year: 2015
Abstract: This report provides an analysis of the emission characteristics of New York’s electricity system by estimating marginal emission rates for carbon-dioxide and other pollutants. It shows that marginal emission rates should be incorporated into the design of distributed energy resource (DER) markets and programs to help guide DER deployment towards maximizing emission reductions efficiently and economically. This report was made possible with support from the Heising-Simons Foundation.
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01 Jan 2015

Microgrid & District Energy: Pathways to Sustainable Urban Development

States: National,
Resource Type: Report

Adoption Year: 2015
Abstract: This report provides an introduction to microgrid concepts, identifies the benefits and most common road blocks to implementation, and discusses proactive steps municipalities can take to advance economically viable and environmentally superior microgrids. It also offers advocacy suggestions for municipal leaders and officials to pursue at the state and regional level. The contents are targeted to municipal government staff but anyone looking for introductory material on microgrids should find it useful.
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01 Jan 2015

Microgrid & District Energy: Pathways to Sustainable Urban Development-Case Studies

States: National,
Resource Type: Report

Adoption Year: 2015
Abstract: These are the case studies for the that report introduces microgrid concepts, identifies the benefits and most common road blocks to implementation, and discusses proactive steps municipalities can take to advance economically viable and environmentally superior microgrids. It also offers advocacy suggestions for municipal leaders and officials to pursue at the state and regional level. The contents are targeted to municipal government staff but anyone looking for introductory material on microgrids should find it useful.
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01 Jan 2015

Declaration of Karl R. Rabago in Support of the CPP

States: National,
Resource Type: Misc

Adoption Year: 2015
Abstract: Declaration of Karl Rábago in State of West Virginia, et al. v. United States Environmental Protection Agency, et al. in support of the Clean Power Plan.
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01 Jan 2014

Power Through Storms

Author: PECC Staff

States: National,
Resource Type: Policy Brief

Adoption Year: 2014
Abstract: NoneCombined Heat and Power delivers business continuity, risk reduction, and critical infrastructure resiliency benefits during times of extreme weather events and wide spread grid outages.
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01 Jul 2013

Commity Energy Brief: CHP in Hospitals

Author: PECC Staff

States: National,
Resource Type: Policy Brief

Adoption Year: 2013
Abstract: Combined heat and power systems can provide power, hot water, and space heating and cooling more reliably, more efficiently, and at lower costs than traditional systems. For these reasons, in addition to the ability to provide power during grid outages, hospitals make ideal hosts for CHP systems.
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01 Jan 2013

Can the US get There from Here?

Topics: Climate,

States: National,
Resource Type: Policy Brief

Adoption Year: 2013
Abstract: Climate change impacts in the United States are increasingly evident and come with steep economic and social costs. The frequency and intensity of extreme weather events has increased in recent years, bringing record-breaking heat, heavy precipitation, coastal flooding, severe droughts, and damaging wildfires. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), weather-related damages in the United States were $60 billion in 2011, and are expected to be significantly greater in 2012. The mounting costs convey an unmistakable urgency to address climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs). This report examines pathways for GHG reductions in the United States through actions taken at the federal and state le...
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01 Jan 2013

Community Energy Brief: Powering Through Storms

Author: PECC Staff

States: National,
Resource Type: Policy Brief

Adoption Year: 2013
Abstract: Combined heat and power delivers business continuity, risk reduction, and critical infrastructure resiliency benefits during grid outages caused by storms.
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01 Jan 2013

Community Microgrids: Smarter, Cleaner, Greener

States: National,
Resource Type: Report

Adoption Year: 2013
Abstract: Community Microgrids: Smarter, Cleaner, Greener is an introductory report on community microgrids and the many benefits they offer. It lays out a roadmap for communities considering microgrids from setting goals and identifying the vision for a project to choosing sites, completing analyses, acquiring financing, and getting approval to build. The report also considers the regulatory environment for microgrid development and offers recommendations for making the region friendlier to microgrids. This document should be read by municipal and community leaders, state and local government and regulatory officials, emergency managers, large business owners, and any other individuals interested in resilient, affordable, and clean energy.
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16 Apr 2012

Summary: Standards of performance for Greenhouse Gas Emissions for New Stationay Sources

States: National,
Resource Type: Report

Adoption Year: 2012
Abstract: Summary of proposed rule on GHG emissions standards for new stationary sources: electric utility generating units.
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01 Jan 2012

Natural Gas Vehicles Fact Sheet

Author: Dan Welch

States: National,
Resource Type: Fact Sheet

Adoption Year: 2012
Abstract: Natural gas vehicle fact sheet
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01 Jan 2012

Electric Vehicles Fact Sheet

Author: Dan Welch

States: National,
Resource Type: Policy Brief

Adoption Year: 2012
Abstract: Electric vehicle fact sheet
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01 Jan 2012

Biofuels Fact Sheet

Author: Dan Welch

States: National,
Resource Type: Policy Brief

Adoption Year: 2012
Abstract: Biofuel fact sheet
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01 Feb 2011

What's Ahead for Power Plants and Industry

States: National,
Resource Type: Report

Adoption Year: 2011
Abstract: In the absence of congressional action on climate change, all eyes are on the states and the EPA to see how they will regulate GHG from existing large power plants and industrial facilities. This working paper explores a promising pathway for the states and EPA to make these reductions using the standards in the Clean Air Act.
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01 Jan 2011

CHP in Hospitals

Author: PECC Staff

States: National,
Resource Type: Fact Sheet

Adoption Year: 2011
Abstract: Overview of the benefits CHP offers to support the mission of hospitals
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01 Jan 2010

Realizing Real Time Pricing Promise: What CHP Offers MHP

Topics: CHP,

States: National,
Resource Type: Report

Adoption Year: 2010
Abstract: Real-time pricing (RTP) programs provide economic incentives for customers to reduce energy consumption during peak hours. Several states have created RTP rate structures voluntary and mandatory – on various categories of customers, usually industrial, larger commercial and institutional customers. In 2006, New York State imposed mandatory hourly pricing (MHP) for all distribution utilities on a select group of customers initially ranging in size from 1,000 kW maximum peak demand to 1,500 kW maximum peak demand, depending upon the utility. The maximum peak demand level triggering mandatory hourly pricing was scheduled to drop over time, so that by Spring 2011 all customers with maximum peak demand levels in the range of 300 kW to 500 kW w...
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01 Oct 2009

Keeping the Lights on in the State Laboratory

Topics: Emissions,

States: National,
Resource Type: Report

Adoption Year: 2009
Abstract: In the United States, state governments have been leaders in addressing climate change through a wide range of energy, environmental, land use and transportation policies. As the United States Congress moves closer to enacting federal cap-and-trade legislation for greenhouse gases, lawmakers should carefully consider how to preserve robust state action. If states are to continue to innovate and achieve reductions in emissions from capped entities after a federal cap-and-trade program is implemented, such state action will need to be accounted for within the federal program. In practical terms, this will require retiring federal greenhouse gas emission allowances, rendering them ineligible for trading or future use, to reflect state-achieved...
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01 Jan 2007

State Experiences with Financial Incentives to Promote Clean Distributed Energy: Greenhouse Gas Reductions with CHP

States: National,
Resource Type: Report

Adoption Year: 2007
Abstract: Many states have promulgated energy incentive schemes to achieve a wide variety of policy goals. Considering the context of diverse incentives and policies that promote both renewable energy (RE) and combined heat and power (CHP), this paper examines direct capacity grant incentive programs in four states (CA, CT, NJ and NY) to determine broad differences regarding their cost effectiveness, both in achieving installed capacity, and in achieving reductions of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Using two methodologies and assumptions to estimate the GHG reductions attributable to different RE and CHP technology types, the paper determines dollars of incentive per ton of CO2 reduction. CHP incentives generally offer a better value per dollar of i...
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28 Jun 2006

Quantifying Residential PV Economics in the US: Payback vs Cashflow Determination of Fair Energy Value

States: National,
Resource Type: Report

Adoption Year: 2006
Abstract: Payback is often used as a measure of profitability by prospective PV owners. Contrasting this measure with another financial gauge -- life-cycle cash flow -- the paper discusses why payback may not be the most appropriate measure for residential PV applications and why it may hide sound financial opportunities for those deciding to invest in a PV system. In parallel, the paper addresses another aspect of economic feasibility: the value of energy produced. For residential applications, this value is currently set at residential net-metered retail rates. We present preliminary evidence that a higher value, reflective of the local effective capacity of PV ought to be claimed for residential PV applications.
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01 Mar 2006

Inspector Guidelines for PV Systems

Topics: Solar,

States: National,
Resource Type: Report

Adoption Year: 2006
Abstract: This report provides some background to the Inspector Guidelines that follow. This work is part of the Renewable Energy Technology Analysis Project of the Pace Law School Energy Project. These guidelines provide a framework for the permitting and inspection of PV systems. These are two separate guidelines since jurisdictions normally treat the process in two steps. First is the plan check stage where the information is reviewed for accuracy and completeness. Second is the field inspection stage where the installation is reviewed for compliance with the approved plans.
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