05 Oct 2018

Virginia's Proposed Regulations for Linking with the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative: Complexity, Innovation, and a Few Cautions

States: Virginia,
Resource Type: Policy Brief

Adoption Year: 2018
Abstract: Virginia, and its governors in particular, deserve credit for taking on the complex issue of beginning to regulate carbon emissions from the power sector and other parts of the state economy. They have adopted an innovative approach based on a consignment method to accomplish these objectives. The approach has the consequence of added administrative complexity as compared to simpler models used in other states. Discussed here is the consignment method, its complexities, and an offering of a few cautions.
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05 Dec 2017

Emissions Leakage In RGGI: An Analysis of the Current State and Recommendations for a Path Forward

Topics: RGGI,

Resource Type: Report

Adoption Year: 2017
Abstract: Emissions leakage is a looming threat to the ongoing success of RGGI. This report, called “Emissions Leakage in RGGI: An Analysis of the Current State and Recommendations for a Path Forward,” discusses this looming threat and provides recommendations for policymakers on reducing leakage risk. The recommendations include expansion of energy efficiency efforts, extension of RGGI coverage to fossil-fuel power plants with a capacity of under 25MW, extension of the cap to cover emissions associated with imported electricity, and linking RGGI with additional states.
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11 Sep 2017

Voluntary and Corporate Renewable Energy in the Northeast United States: Barriers and Opportunities for Growth

States: Northeast,
Resource Type: Report

Adoption Year: 2017
Abstract: The second of three policy briefs prepared with the Pace Energy and Climate Center focusing on voluntary renewable energy in the Northeast United States, this brief identifies interactions between the voluntary renewable energy market and the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). It also provides recommendations for strengthening mechanisms that protect voluntary demand in RGGI states.
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01 Nov 2015

The Clean Power Plan Puzzle: The Future of Efforts to Control Pollution in the Northeast

States: New York,
Resource Type: Policy Brief

Adoption Year: 2015
Abstract: In October 2015 the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized the first national plan to cut climate pollution from power plants. Called the Clean Power Plan (CPP), the effort requires a 32% nation-wide reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the power sector. The CPP also gives states multiple pathways to comply. Now states are on the clock: they must submit their individual compliance plans or signal their intent to submit multi-state plans by September 2016. The nine states participating in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), the first market-based trading platform established to cut climate pollution from power plants in the Northeast, must now decide the future of the effort. This paper explores a few of...
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01 Oct 2015

The Clean Power Plan Puzzle: The Future of Efforts to Control Climate Pollution in the Northeast

States: Federal,
Resource Type: Report

Adoption Year: 2015
Abstract: In October 2015 the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized the first national plan to cut climate pollution from power plants. Called the Clean Power Plan (CPP), the effort requires a 32% nation-wide reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the power sector. The CPP also gives states multiple pathways to comply. Now states are on the clock: they must submit their individual compliance plans or signal their intent to submit multi-state plans by September 2016.The nine states participating in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), the first market-based trading platform established to cut climate pollution from power plants in the Northeast, must now decide the future of the effort. This paper explores a few of t...
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15 Dec 2013

RGGI EPA Rules Collaborative

States: Northeast,
Resource Type: Report

Adoption Year: 2013
Abstract: The Pace Energy and Climate Center has convened a group of utilities, electric generators, environmental groups, a business coalition and state officials from the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic (NEMA) region to engage EPA on the development of federal guidelines under Section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act. The Collaborative also seeks to foster understanding of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) among state officials and stakeholders in states not currently participating in RGGI. This document presents RGGI-focused answers to the questions posed by EPA to states and stakeholders in late September 2013.
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08 Feb 2013

Power Companies, Environmental Groups Commend Northeast and Mid-Atlantic States for Strengthened Climate Change Program

States: Northeast,
Resource Type: Press Release

Adoption Year: 2013
Abstract: The new model rule to drive greater reductions in CO2 emissions from power plants in the region and increase investments in clean energy.
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08 Feb 2013

RGGI Dialogue Model Rule

Topics: RGGI,

States: Northeast,
Resource Type: Press Release

Adoption Year: 2013
Abstract: Improving this already successful program, the RGGI states have signaled that they are serious about tackling climate change in a pragmatic, forward thinking manner, while also demonstrating to Washington that many parts of the country are moving forward on the issue.
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30 Dec 2011

Policy Brief: Analysis of surplus emission allowances in the regional greenhouse gas initiative (RGGI) and state control of the surplus.

Topics: RGGI,

States: Northeast,
Resource Type: Policy Brief

Adoption Year: 2011
Abstract: This brief details the expected emissions from RGGI units during the first compliance period. It explores ways that surplus allowances can be eliminated making the RGGI cap binding.
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30 Dec 2011

Analysis of Surplus Emission Allowances in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) and State Control of the Surplus

Author: PECC Staff

Topics: RGGI,

Resource Type: Policy Brief

Adoption Year: 2011
Abstract: Analysis of Surplus Emission Allowances in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) and State Control of the Surplus.
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20 Sep 2005

Allocation of Emissions Allowances for the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative

Resource Type: Report

Adoption Year: 2005
Abstract: The RGGI proposal under discussion among in New England and Mid-Atlantic states has resulted in a preliminary agreement to establish CO2 cap and trade program. Emission allowances worth billions of dollars may be given away to start the program. Intense interest in this allocation should be expected.
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